By: Mohamed Jaward Nyallay
Hon. Ibrahim Rasin Bundu, former APC MP
Claim: A viral video on Youtube and whatsapp is claiming that an APC Member of Parliament elect has disagreed with his party’s position not to take part in Parliament.
Verdict: Misleading. The interview was with Ibrahim Bundu, who is a former APC MP and not an MP-elect.
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On Monday evening, a youtube channel known as Sierra Fox Media uploaded a video and shared the link widely on Whatsapp. The caption of the video is: “APC MP elect denies his party’s (APC) decision to boycott parliament”. The video now has 1.5k views on the channel.
To verify this, SLAJ/NDI SuperNewsRoom went back and searched for the original copy of the interview that Sierra Fox Media uploaded. The interview was done originally on the Epic Morning Show on the 4th of July this year, and was streamed live (1:48:50 in the video) on the radio’s facebook page.
The interview was given online by Hon. Ibrahim Rasin Bundu, a former majority leader for the APC in Parliament. He was expressing his thoughts on his party’s latest standpoint to boycott Parliament.
The interview was also a response to what the party’s Publicity Secretary, Sidi Yaya Tunis, also said during the same show in an online interview, (watch 1:35:57).
Sierra Fox Media’s caption of the video is misleading; Ibrahim Bundu is former APC MP and not a current MP who was just elected in 2023.
NOTE: This fact-checked story is a product of the SLAJ/NDI SuperNewsRoom on Combating Disinformation in Sierra Leone’s 2023 electoral cycle. The project is supported by Global Affairs Canada to enable citizens have access to credible and accurate information during the elections.
The SuperNewsRoom is powered by Africell SL.
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